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Latest News:
12/09/24: ITK-SNAP 4.2.2 has been released!


Related Image Processing Applications:

SPM-friendly viewer, converter, and much more!
Brain Extraction Tool (BET)
Use to skull-strip head images.
Convert 3D Tool
A tool from the developers of ITK-SNAP with a flexible command-line interface for common image processing operations. A great companion to ITK-SNAP.
NIfTI Quicklook Plugin for MacOS
Quickly browse through images on your Mac. Written by Gary Zhang.
HistoloZee Tool
A tool for 3D reconstruction, segmentation and visualization of histological stacks by Daniel Adler.

Segmentation Protocols:

Brain Regions of Interest
Protocols for a number of regions of interest in the brain provided by the Autism Research Program at the Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Center at UNC Chapel Hill
Hippocampal Subfield Segmentation
A protocol from the University of Pennsylvania that uses ITK-SNAP to segment the subfields of the hippocampal formation in T2-weighted MRI.

Open Source Toolkits:

The Insight Toolkit (ITK)
Parent toolkit for ITK-SNAP. ITK is a C++ libary that implements a multitude of image processing techniques. SNAP is one of the end-user applications bundled with ITK.
The Visualization Toolkit (VTK)
VTK is a C++ libary for visualization and 3D graphics. SNAP uses VTK for 3D rendering.
Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK)
FLTK is a library for building graphical user interfaces across platforms. The user interface in SNAP is written using FLTK.
A free toolkit for processing, registration and statistical analysis of diffusion tensor MRI data. DTI-TK can be used in conjunction with SNAP.

Other ITK-SNAP Pages

The page devoted to ITK-SNAP on the Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources Clearinghouse, funded by the National Institutes of Health. NITRC lists hundreds of neuroimaging tools and resources.

Success Stories (NEW)

Aorta Segmentation
Dr. Aurelien Stalder shared a movie of aorta segmentation in ITK-SNAP from his work presented at the MICCAI 2010 Workshop on Computational Biomechanics in Medicine.
Radiation Oncology Residents' Bootcamp
Researchers at the Western University in Canada use ITK-SNAP to teach contouring techniques to radiation oncology residents.
Page last modified on October 07, 2014, at 02:01 PM

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