Section 1. Installing ITK-SNAP
This section of the tutorial will guide you through downloading and installing the latest version of ITK-SNAP for Apple MacOS, Windows, and Linux. It will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
Installation on Apple MacOS
STEP 1. Download ITK-SNAP
Download the latest version of ITK-SNAP for Apple MacOS from the Downloads page.
STEP 2. Install ITK-SNAP
- Double click the icon for the file you downloaded (e.g., itksnap-3.2.0-rc2-20140919-MacOS-x86_64.dmg).
- Accept the license.
- Drag the icon to the Applications folder.
- Drag the icon itksnap on top of the icon usr_local_bin in that folder.
- To add the ITK-SNAP launcher to your Dock, open the Applications folder and drag the icon onto the dock.
Click on the ITK-SNAP icon in the Dock to launch the program.
Installation on Windows
STEP 1. Download ITK-SNAP
Download the latest version of ITK-SNAP for Windows from the Downloads page.
STEP 2. Install ITK-SNAP
- Double click the icon for the file you downloaded, e.g., itksnap-3.2.0-rc2-20140919-win32-AMD64.exe.
- Follow the installation instructions on the ITK-SNAP Setup Wizard.
STEP 3. Launch ITK-SNAP.
Run ITK-SNAP from the Windows Start Menu.
Installation on Linux
STEP 1. Download ITK-SNAP
Download the latest version of ITK-SNAP for Linux from the Downloads page.
STEP 2. Install ITK-SNAP
- Open a Linux terminal.
- Enter the folder containing ITK-SNAP. For example, if you downloaded ITK-SNAP to the Desktop, you would type the following.
cd ~/Desktop
- Uncompress the file containing ITK-SNAP software for your system (32 bit or 64 bit).
tar -zxvf itksnap-3.2.0-rc2-20140919-Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
- [Optional]. Copy the contents of the uncompressed folder into /usr/local. On most systems, this is done using the sudo command.
sudo cp -av ./itksnap-3.2.0-rc2-20140919-Linux_x86_64/ /usr/local/
STEP 3. Launch ITK-SNAP.
- Open a Linux terminal.
- Type in the following command and hit enter to launch ITK-SNAP. Note that this will work if you copied ITK-SNAP into the /usr/local directory. Otherwise, you need to add itksnap binary to your PATH.