} ITK-SNAP Credits

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ITK-SNAP Credits

ITK-SNAP 4.0 Team (2020 - Present)

Paul A. Yushkevich (University of Pennsylvania) - Technical Director
Jilei Hao (University of Pennsylvania) - Lead Developer
Sadhana Ravikumar (University of Pennsylvania) - Developer
Alison M. Pouch (University of Pennsylvania) - PI
Ankush Aggarwal (University of Glasgow) - Consultant
Lukasz Kaczmarczyk (University of Glasgow) - Consultant
Supported by the Chen-Zuckerberg Initiative through grant "Bridging the Gap In Medical Image Analysis and Biomechanics with ITK-SNAP"

ITK-SNAP 3.x Team (2011 - 2020)

Paul A. Yushkevich (University of Pennsylvania) - PI and Lead Developer
Guido Gerig (NYU Tandon School of Engineering) - Co-PI
Yang Gao (University of Utah) - Developer
Dzenan Zukic (Kitware, Inc.) - Developer
Matthew McCormick (Kitware, Inc.) - Developer
Jared Vicory (Kitware, Inc.) - Developer
Michael Stauffer (University of Pennsylvania) - Developer
Octavian Soldea (University of Pennsylvania) - Developer
Baohua Wu (University of Pennsylvania) - Developer
Lauren Mancuso (University of Pennsylvania) - Scientific Writer and Editor
Supported by the U.S. National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and BioEngineering through grant R01 EB014346

ITK-SNAP 2.x Team (2004 - 2012)

Paul A. Yushkevich (University of Pennsylvania) - Lead Developer
Hui Zhang (University of Pennsylvania) - Developer
Casey Goodlett (University of Utah) - Contributor
Timothy Burke - Contributor
Nicholas Tustison - Contributor
Supported by the U.S. National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and BioEngineering and the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience through grant R03 EB008200

SNAP/ITK Integration (2003-2004)

Paul A. Yushkevich (University of Pennsylvania) - Technical Director
Daniel S. Fritsch - Contract PI
Guido Gerig (NYU Tandon School of Engineering) - Scientific Director
Stephen R. Aylward (Kitware) - Consultant
Supported by the U.S. National Library of Medicine through PO 467-MZ-202446-1

Original SNAP/IRIS Team (199x - 2003)

Guido Gerig (NYU Tandon School of Engineering) - Scientific Director
Silvio Turello, Joachim Schlegel, Gabor Szekely (ETH Zurich) - Original AVS Module
Chris Wynn, Arun Neelamkavil, David Gregg, Eric Larsen, Sanjay Sthapit (UNC Chapel Hill) - IRIS 1999 Project
Sean Ho, Ashraf Farrag, Amy Henderson, Robin Munesato, Ming Yu (UNC Chapel Hill) - IRIS 2000 Project
Nathan Moon, Thorsten Scheuermann, Konstantin Bobkov, Nathan Talbert, Yongjik Kim (UNC Chapel Hill) - SnAP 2002 Project
Pierre Fillard (UNC Chapel Hill) - SnAP-VTK Integration

Special Thanks

Terry S. Yoo (NLM)
Zohara Cohen (NIBIB)
Luis Ibanez (Kitware)
Joshua Cates (University of Utah)
James C. Gee (University of Pennsylvania)
All who generously contribute to ITK, VTK, FLTK, and SNAP

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